“Hey BFF’s!” That’s what I call each member of Balance Fitness + Flexibility.


Group Handstand photo after an awesome workshop

Balance Fitness and Flexibility was a one-of-a-kind bodyweight-based boutique fitness facility in Hauppauge, New York that opened in 2017. The group classes utilized gymnastic style bodyweight training methods, with an emphasis on flexibility and end range strength. The goal was simple - to help everyday adults and fitness enthusiasts alike develop strong and mobile bodies for the long-haul. Longevity in training is key, so an emphasis was placed on safely and effectively prepping every part of the body from joint health and stability to increasing strength and range of motion, and overall quality of movement.


Photos from the 175 Commerce Drive Location

 Dear BFF’s,

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, BALANCE Fitness and Flexibility has permanently closed its doors. While this was not an easy decision, given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, I believe this is the best choice for the safety of my family as well as the BALANCE community. The landscape of fitness is changing, and many people are finding success with online and at home training. This is why we will continue to offer online classes, where we can prioritize our health and safety without sacrificing our fitness goals.

Although the physical location is closing, as Long Island continues to reopen and allows small gatherings, I will be offering private training and small group classes out of my home gym in addition to the virtual classes and virtual private sessions. Maintaining a safe and clean environment is much more manageable in a smaller space, with fewer people, and I believe this is the safest option going forward.

I want to thank everyone who has made this community so special, whether you were a loyal member who showed up week after week or someone just passing through, it means the world to me that you helped me realize a dream. There is no other fitness center like BALANCE, it is truly one of a kind. While it was short lived, it would have been way shorter if it wasn't for all of you! So thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me make my dream come true.

Wishing you all the best,


Balance Members in Action

 “I’m not crying, you’re crying!” :)